Top Freelancing websites to start your part-time work
There are times when people sit down and introspect. Introspect and wish they could do more in their everyday life besides sticking to their usual and mundane work routines. To be able to be independent and yet have the time to do things they actually enjoy doing! As we step into the era of what is being called the Generation Next, Online Assignment Help this vague dream is becoming more and more a reality.
We are sure that by now most of you reading this will have their eyes drawn closer to their respective screens (your laptop, mobile or smart tablets)! After all, who would not want to look for means of earning an extra income without being completely tied down to the corporate world? Without beating about the bush for too long, Assignment Help Melbourne let us introduce you to the magical words which by now, most of you know of! We are referring to the revolutionary word - “Freelancers”.
Before we get to the topic of discussion which is freelancing, let us talk about why this trend emerged so much in the first place. We know about the economy right? It’s the system that holds and houses all the Full- time Equivalent Employee/ Employers. Gradually there was a complete shift in the terms of economy. From the 18th century, Assignment Help Sydney FTE’s to the evolution of the GIG workers was a pleasant and refreshing change.
Gig in the earlier days was a slang associated to live musical performances which were actually the shorthand of the word ‘engagement’. However, from the 1920’s to the current times today, the word gig or gigging means having paid work for short term multiple tasks. So what exactly is this world of the gig economy? It is an arrangement through which temporary positions in various organizations become more common via a medium through which companies source independent workers for either short term of contractual tasks.
In fact, we live in an environment which now thrives on gig-economy. Freelancers are people who are a part of the same economy today. They take up short term assignments with different organizations and are paid at the completion of their assigned tasks. Gig economy is more or less a part of the service industry which involves temporary work but has grown one million workers strong in the last 10 years! Now that’s a whopping number. A recent survey conducted by freelancer website Upwork has revealed that the percentage of online freelancing jobs is growing at a rate 3 times faster. In fact, the U.S had close to 60 million freelancers by the end of 2017. India is not far behind in the era of gigging! There are about 15 million freelancers and this number is expected to double every 5 years until 2035!
Image Source: Pexels
The current generation consists of those who believe in the era of multitasking. It will be safe to say that we millennials want to do as much as we can, Programming Assignment Help within a short stipulation of time. Somewhere down the line the rise and evolution in the tech world have only fast forwarded this aspect to an extent when people are never really off shift even after they leave work! The 21st century is soon being renamed to that of the century of part-time freelancers who seek to gain more development professionally. After all, why stick to one thing if you can master the art of ‘Gigging’?
For those millennials looking to set foot into the world of gigging, here are some of the top freelancing websites where you can hone your penmanship skills. So, brace yourself to find out some of the best websites where you can launch yourself!
Careermetis: One of the first websites on our freelancer's list is that of Careermetis. The word metis comes from Greek mythology and it means wisdom or skill craft. Zeus was referred to as “The Wise Counselor”, which is what the platform of Careermetis acts as for aspiring freelancers. You can be someone who is a graphic designer or for that matter someone with great social media handling skills, Careermetis will help you launch in the arena of freelancing by giving you the right contacts and assignments. Check out their link to find out more!
Toptal: Next on our concise list of freelancing websites is Toptal. Created by an engineer duo this freelancing portal acts as a hub of expert freelancers who cater to the world of business, design and technology. If as a candidate you are looking to connect with some of the A-listed fortune 500 companies, well, Toptal is your gateway to this connection. Google, Do My Essay Microsoft and Amazon are just some of the companies who use Toptal as a medium to connect with resourceful and skilled freelancers. To find out more visit their website today!
People Per Hour: As the name suggests this portal is a digital platform for which has a team of freelancers equipped to provide marketers, SEO specialists and software engineers. Those future gigging experts are welcome to use People Per Hour on a trial for 15 different proposals. This will enable them to get a feel of the kind of companies recruiting freelancers. This portal gives access to some of the biggest multinational companies to hire from a pool of experienced freelancers based on their requirement and needs. Log on today to get connected with your perfect freelancing assignments.
Upwork: The motto of this website is ‘Make Things Happen’, and true to its motto, this portal has been making things happen since 2015. They give the option of hiring skilled freelancers for short term, recurring project or full-time contractual work. So depending upon a freelancer’s availability one can be approached by multiple companies. If you are a web developer, designer, writer or a sales and marketing expert, Upwork is the website for you!
fiverr: Full transparency for both the company sourcing a freelancer and the freelancer themselves – Fiverr is a unique freelancing portal which has been up and sourcing since 2010. With nearly three million services registered on the portal as of 2012, Fiverr has only added more job options to millions of freelancers. Some of the services that they provide are that of logo designing, social media, voice over artists and writing and translations services.
The world of the World Wide Web has indeed brought the world closer. With a sea of opportunities now made available on these freelancing portals, a person sitting in the US can source out an expert sitting in India and vice versa. So, go ahead and put your skills out there on the global platform of these websites! Happy Freelancing!!